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Işık, günümüzde ihtiyaç duyduğumuz en önemli kaynaklardan olmasına karşın, gereğinden fazla kullanımının yarattığı etkilerle en önemli kirlilik kaynaklarından biri haline gelmiştir. Işık kirliliği insan, hayvan ve bitki sağlığı üzerinde ciddi etkilere sahiptir. Bu etkilerin yanında, enerji tüketiminin de büyük bir kısmı yanlış aydınlatma tercihlerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Işık kirliliği, ihtiyaç duyulan alanda yeterli sayıda ve parlaklıkta aydınlatma biriminin tercih edilmesiyle kontrol edilebilir. Dünya nüfusunun üçte ikisi yoğun yapay ışıkla kirlenmiş kıyı yerleşimlerinde yaşamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’nin önemli bir kıyı yerleşimi olan İskenderun ilçe merkezi ve yakın çevresindeki ışık kirliliğinin kontrolünü sağlamaktır. Bu kapsamda Gökyüzü Kalitesi Ölçer (SQM-LU) cihazıyla 1x1 km’lik gridlerin merkez noktalarında ölçümler alınmış ve IDW yöntemi ile Bortle ölçeğine göre ışık kirliliği dağılım haritası oluşturulmuştur. Bu değerlendirme sonucunda çalışma alanının %..’lik bölümü Bortle ölçeğine göre 6 ve 7. düzey alanlar, %...’lik bölümü ise 8 ve 9. düzey alanlar olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak yüksek oranda ışık kirliliğinin tespit edildiği İskenderun ilçe merkezi ve yakın çevresinde daha nitelikli bir yaşam kalitesi için tercih edilmesi gerek aydınlatma elemanları ve geliştirilmesi gereken stratejiler sunulmuştur.
The aim of this study is to prepare a sample landscape plan in order to evaluate the possibilities of integrating a landscape plan that is not involved in the spatial planning process in our country into the planning process. The area chosen for the case study covers the central districts of Adana province, Yüreğir, Seyhan, Sarıçam and Çukurova. In our country, there are bottlenecks that require the change of the spatial planning system, such as having more than one authority and responsibility within the legal and administrative framework, lack of coordination and cooperation between institutions, and the continuation of the traditional type of planning. Within the scope of the possibilities of transferring the findings of the research field into practice, it is aimed to determine the current spatial planning process in our country and the bottlenecks encountered in this process. At the preparation stages of this plan, which is intended to be a bedplate for the zoning plans, the natural landscape inventory and land cover of the area have been examined firstly, and 1935 different landscape character types have been determined as a result of the landscape character analysis conducted in the light of the obtained data. In the research area with urban, rural and natural landscape elements, 25 landscape character areas have been determined and landscape data catalogs have been prepared based on landscape character types, landscape patterns and survey studies. As a result, in the solving of the problems encountered in spatial planning practice, a sample landscape plan proposal has been prepared in order to produce land use decisions based on ecological data protection.
Background and Aims: Innovations in clinical pharmacy education that are supported by simulations can improve student knowledge and skills. The aim of this study is to assess the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale (SCLS) among pharmacy students in Türkiye. Methods: This study was conducted at clinical pharmacy departments of Ankara University and Altinbas University between March 28-April 28, 2022. Students taking an online simulation-based learning class during their clinical pharmacy education were eligible. The study adapts the SCLS as developed by the National League for Nursing (NLN, 2004) for pharmacy students, then translates it into Turkish and evaluates the inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities. Results: A total of 176 students participated in the study, the majority of whom are female (76.1%); the participants have a mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of 23.42±2.82 years. The coefficients for the inter-rater and test-retest reliabilities were found to be high for the scale (r=0.953, p<0.05; r=1, p<0.05, respectively), with Cronbach’s alpha being calculated as 0.95. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the SCLS is concluded to be a valid and reliable tool for pharmacy students receiving clinical pharmacy education.
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice towards the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its vaccines among pharmacy students in Turkey. Material and Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among pharmacy students aged 18 years and older. Data collected from April 27 to June 27, 2022, via an online self-reporting questionnaire developed and validated by the investigators. Descriptive statistics were performed to determine potentially associated factors with knowledge, attitudes, and practices scores of the students. Result and Discussion: Among the pharmacy students, the majority was female (72.6%) and mean ± standard deviation of age was 23.17 ± 3.27 years. The mean ± standard deviation of knowledge, attitude and practice scores were 8.25 ± 1.27, 7.47 ± 2.95., and 7.20 ± 2.14, respectively. A statistically significant association was found between students who received higher knowledge scores and being a senior student or a students from governmental universities. In general, students had good knowledge and practices about COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines. However, their attitudes towards COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines was poor. These findinds were found to be similar to those health care students from other countries.
Purpose: Accumulating data demonstrated that raised homocysteine is a risk factor for ischemic stroke. However, it remains unclear whether high homocysteine level is also a risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke, which accounts for about one-fifth of stroke patients. Our aim was to measure the plasma homocysteine levels in patients with hemorrhagic stroke to explore a possible link. Materıals and Methods: We included thirty patients with ischemic stroke, thirty patients with hemorrhagic stroke, and thirty healthy volunteers. All participants were examined for traditional risk factors and levels of folic acid, homocysteine, and vitamin B12. Results: Hypertension was higher in both ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke patients than in healthy participants (p=0.029). Homocysteine levels were significantly higher in both ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke groups than in the control group (p=0.001), with no statistically difference between each other (p>0.05). Vitamin B12 levels were significantly lower in both ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke patients than in the controls (p=0.001), with no statistically difference between each other (p>0.05). Folic acid levels did not significantly differ between the groups (p>0.05). We did not find correlation between homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folic acid levels (p>0.05). Conclusion: Our study indicated that the homocysteine levels were high in patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Larger cohorts are needed to clarify the role of homocysteine in hemorrhagic stroke.
Hızlı nüfus artışına paralel olarak doğal kaynaklar üzerinde baskı artmakta, ekosistemlerin nitelik ve nicelik bakımından özellikleri değişmektedir. Bu değişim arazi örtüsü/alan kullanımı üzerinde ciddi sorunlar oluşturmakta ve kaynakların sürdürülebilir kullanımını riske atmaktadır. Bu nedenle ekosistem hizmetlerinin potansiyel analizinin yapılması, alan kullanım yönetim sürecinde büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Adana Sarıçam ilçesi örneğinde arazi örtüsü/alan kullanımı değişiminin ekosistem hizmetleri üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Ekosistem hizmetlerinin potansiyel arzını bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirmek için uzman odaklı matris metot yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Oluşturulan ekosistem hizmetleri sonuç haritasına göre, çalışma alanındaki en önemli ekosistem hizmeti sunan kullanımların ekilebilir alanlar, iğne yapraklı ormanlar, çayır-mera alanları ile makilik alanlar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında elde edilen alan kullanımı verileri, ekosistem hizmetleri matris ve haritalarının planlama çalışmalarında altlık veri olarak kullanılması hedeflenmiştir.
Urbanization processes are progressing rapidly all over the world and especially affect the planning processes of developing countries negatively. Rapid urbanization resulting from the demand of the increasing population prevents controlled growth and causes land use decisions to be taken without adequate analysis. In order to continue people’s lives in a healthy and self-sufficient living environment, it is necessary to ensure the sustainable use of fertile soil and all natural resources. As a result of uncontrolled growth in these areas, irreversible damage occurs to natural resources. The aim of this study is to determine the distribution of the urban texture on the natural environment and the changing area uses in the 10-year period in Mersin, one of the developing cities. For this purpose, land uses are grouped under 4 main headings as settlement, agricultural lands, forest areas and unused areas.In the 20-year period between 1998 and 2018, it was determined that the amount of urban area doubled and the total forest area decreased by 2/3 in the study area, which was approximately 35,000 hectares. As a result, it was determined that urban development caused a serious loss of agriculture and forest areas, and thus, it was emphasized that the protection of natural areas should be considered in making urban plan decisions in order to ensure urban sustainability.
Kureselleşme tum ekonomik birimleri ceşitli yonlerden etkileyen bir surectir. Bu calışmanın amacı kureselleşmenin kamu harcamaları uzerindeki etkisi etkinlik ve telafi edici etki hipotezi cercevesinde incelenmesidir. Etkinlik hipotezi kureselleşmenin kamu harcamaları uzerinde negatif, telafi edici etki hipotezi ise pozitif bir etkiye sahip oldu.unu ceşitli argumanlar ile savunmaktadır. Bu calışmada soz konusu iki hipotez 15 AB uyesi ve 2 aday ulkenin 1974-2010 yılları arasındaki verileri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Yapı- lan panel eşbutunleşme analizi sonucunda kamu harcamaları, kureselleşme gostergesi olarak ele alınan dış ticaret, do.rudan yabancı sermaye akımları, nufus artış hızı ve kişi başına gayri safi yurtici hasıla arasında eşbutunleşme ilişkinin oldu.u tespit edilmiştir. Soz konusu eşbutunleşme ilişkisine ait katsayılar ise DOLS (Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares) yontemi ile tahmin edilmiştir. Buna gore kamu harcamaları ile kureselleşme gostergeleri arasında etkinlik hipotezini destekler nitelikte negatif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca analizde kişi başına gayri safi yurtici hasılanın kamu harcamaları uzerinde pozitif, nufus artış hızının ise negatif bir etkiye sahip oldu.u sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.